The last few days have been a little different as the dives have been with some single tank divers who are over here for a about a week as part of some other diving round the Pacific. Quite good for me as I got to hear about different sites in Guam and Yap which are both on my to dive list.
One thing that is painfully obvious very quickly is that many divers do not grasp the sheer quantity of wrecks in Chuuk, magazine articles can just not do it justice with a few photos and descriptions of the signature wrecks just does not prepare you for the abundance and variety. Many come for a week here or the liveaboards and can only scratch the surface and not get to know any of the wrecks at all.
This was brought home for me diving the Sankisan yesterday, 3 years ago when I was here last it was the second wreck that we dived on. An upright cargo vessel that has been blown in two just aft of the Bridge when an American bomb hit an hold carrying explosives, her aft fragments are in a 24m wide explosion crater 180m away. The front sank in about 30m of water with the forward holds containing, trucks, plane parts, and more bullets than I have ever seen in my life. Truly quite a memorable wreck, lots of life, artefacts and an interesting story. But I didn't remember one thing about it from my first trip, which just shows how overwhelming coming here can be.
Hi Kevin -good to see you are still enjoying TRUK. I know what you mean about the wrecks and it was only on the second dive on some of the wrecks that I could really appreciate the size and orientation and artefacts. Some of that is undoubtably down to following a guide on the first dive and not being totally aware! Taking photos helps though . Have a good Christmas and keep Trukking! Eileen